
tor19sep19:00tor20:00Ericson-Thomas-StridEricson-Thomas-Strid 19:00 - 20:00 TypMusik

Om Evenemanget

Three improvisers crossing their paths. Experiences from countless hours, minutes, moments of creation through improvisation in the past are merged in the present. Experiences not as remembrances, but as preparation for not being prepared.

This trio counts members of groups such as the Derek Bailey-Tony Oxley quartet, Gush, Strid-Gustafsson-guy, and the Electrics – Plus innumerable ad hoc encounters with other improvisers, well-known as well as unknown to you.

With their collective backgrounds in improv, jazz, free jazz the musical perspective is wide open.

Come with your ears and minds equally open – and we´ll be going on a trip together! As Picasso once said: “I do not search, I find.”

Sture Ericson – sax, clarinet

Pat Thomas – piano och/eller elektronik

Raymond Strid – drums


(Torsdag) 19:00 - 20:00



Dragarbrunnsgatan 53

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